Here in Florence, the last day of the year is full of expectation of the new year, we bundle up into jackets and head out to one of the main squares to hear some lovely music (music genres vary across the piazzas, so you can head to Piazza della Signoria for classical, to Santissima Annunziata for jazz or gospel, and so on…) and wait for the fireworks at midnight to explode from Piazzale Michelangelo.
Useless to say there is none of that this year. We are all at home today as all of Italy is in “red zone” today and through Sunday. We can leave home to visit relatives with social gathering limited in numbers, but most of all no one can go out and celebrate on the streets as usually is the norm.
The City of Florence, who hosts the musical concerts every New Year’s Eve, at least decided to do something. Palazzo Vecchio today will host several performances – with magic shows for the kids at 1.30pm and 4pm, and music and dance performances at 7pm and 9pm – that can be viewed on YouTube, on TV or heard on the radio. If you’d like to take a look at the incredible setting Palazzo Vecchio’s many chambers will offer, set your clocks to tune in! Or head to the YouTube channel in the next few days to see what went on. Check out more details on today’s planned events on our New Year’s Eve in Florence page.