The European Heritage Days are the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the citizens of Europe. Held in September each year, EHDs events – often called Heritage Open Days – take place in the 50 countries party to the European Cultural Convention; this year, the days fall this weekend, Sept 24-25. During this time, doors are opened to numerous monuments and sites, allowing Europe’s citizens to enjoy free visits (or at a symbolic 1 euro) and learn about their shared cultural heritage, encouraging them to become actively involved in the safeguard and enhancement of this heritage for present and future generations.
Italy is participating with many cultural sites holding special opening hours this weekend, particularly with longer or special hours on the evening September 24 and 25. Entrance will be a symbolic 1 euro. In addition, many entrance into the sites will include conferences, presentations, concerts or other shows.
Across Tuscany, over 70 museums and other sites of cultural interest, state and private, will participate in the European Heritage Days — here are just some of the main ones across the provinces:
National Museum of Medieval and Modern Art
Sept 24 – opening only for guided visits between 4-6pm, with a special opening from 8-11pm (last entry at 10pm) and at 9pm a conference on the creation of the museum by museum director dott. Michele Loffredo
Sept 25 – opening only for guided visits between 4-6pm
Basilica of San Francesco, Legend of the True Cross by Piero della Francesca
Sept 24 – Special opening between 8-11pm and themed visits
Archaeological National Museum “G. C. Mecenate” and Roman Amphitheater
Sept 24 – Special opening 19:30 – 22:30. At 4pm, conference on the studies and projects at the museum; at 9pm, a musical concert from the “solisti del Liceo Musicale”, from Liceo Classico Musicale “F. Petrarca”.
Museum of Casa Vasari
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Anghiari – Museum of Popular Crafts and Traditions from the High Valtiberina (Palazzo Taglieschi)
Sept 24 – Special opening 7-10 pm and historical readings.
Castelfranco di Sopra – Abbey of San Salvatore a Soffena
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Accademia Gallery
The Accademia Gallery will prolong its opening hours on Sept 24 from 7 to 10pm. Between these hours, entrance will cost 1 euro.
Uffizi Gallery
On Sept 24, longer opening times at the Uffizi from 7 to 10pm at the symbolic entry fee of 1 euro. On this evening, under the Loggia of the Uffizi, between 7pm and 9.30pm, the choral group “Animae Voces” will hold an a cappella concert of music from across the world.
Bargello, Medici Chapels, Palazzo Davanzati and Casa Martelli
The four museums will be open both days this weekend between 8:15am–6pm:
– National Museum of the Bargello, full price € 8, reduced € 4.
– Medici Chapels, full price € 8, reduced € 4.
– Museum of Palazzo Davanzati, full price € 3, reduced € 3.
– Museum of Casa Martelli, free entrnace.
Only on Saturday, Sept. 24, the Bargello will hold a special opening from 8-11pm with entrance being a symbolic € 1.
Two appointments for Sunday Sept 25:
– at 11am, at the Museum of Palazzo Davanzati: a concert by the Ensemble Musica Ricercata with a rendition of “Madrigali” on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the “Orlando furioso” by Ludovico Ariosto, held in 1516 in Ferrara (the concert is included in the entry ticket)
– at 4pm at the Bargello: “Ritratti di Signore”, an extraordinary visit with the Museum Director, Paola D’Agostino, also included in the entry ticket.

Opera del Duomo Museum
On both Sept 24 and 25, at 5pm, you can join in special guided visits (free) of Donatello’s Magdalene within the Opera del Duomo Museum with new details after its recent restoration. You will need to pay the museum entrance fee to be able to participate; the visit will be held in Italian.
Last Supper at San Salvi by Andrea del Sarto
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Ognissanti Last Supper
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Last Supper at Sant’Apollonia
Sept 24 and 25 – at 12pm, guided visit of the last supper.
Chiostro dello Scalzo
Sept 24 – Special opening 7-10pm
Garden of Villa di Castello
Sept 24 and 25 – from 2.30-6.30pm, an event called “The Garden of the Bizzarre” which will include music, literature, art and nature, in collaboration with the Comitato Giovani Unesco, LAAV, Toscana Music Pool, Angeli del Bello.
MAF National Archaeological Museum
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm with possibility to see the rooms in which Maria Maddalena dei Medici lived in.
Museum of San Marco
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm and meeting “San Marco before and after the Medici” with special opening of the Chiostro Silvestrini and visit to Maria Maddalena dei Medici’s tomb.
Medici Villa of La Petraia
Sept 24 – Special opening 7-10pm and at 8pm, theather show “Pinocchio at home”.
Cerreto Guidi, Medici Villa at Cerreto Guidi and Museum of Hunt and Territory
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm and at 16:30 presentation of the “Sacred and profane furnishings from the Bardini collection: Restorations and new displays” curated by Cristina Gnoni Mavarelli with participation by Simone Chiarugi.
Scarperia, Palazzo dei Vicari
On Sunday, Sept 25 at 4.30 (with advance booking), anyone can join in the guided visit to the Palazzo dei Vicari. The visit will include the atrium, the rooms on the Noble floor which is currently hosting the exhibition “Knives from the Horn of Africa” and entrance to the Historical Archive, normally closed to the public. If weather permits, the visit will also include a climb up the battlements from which you can view the town of Scarperia and surrounding lands. Free, but reservation required at 055-8468165.
Orbetello (GR), The Cosa National Archaeological Museum and Area
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm and from 10am to 2pm, guided visits to the archaeological area with presentation of ongoing digs and research with Florida State University and the Università di Firenze.
Sept 25 – from 10am to 2pm, same as above plus the presentation of two books, one a guide of Cosa for Kids and another on the archaeological sites between Cosa and Orbetello.
National Museum of Napoleonic Residences – Palazzina dei Mulini and Villa di San Martino
both will be open Sept 24 with special opening 19.30-22.30
Museum at Palazzo Mansi
Sept 24 – Special opening 7.30-10.30pm with a presentation at 5pm of the painting by A. Bellucci “Allegory of Time” by Stefano Casciu, Director of the Polo museale della Toscana.
National Museum of Villa Guinigi
Sept 24 – Special opening 7.30-10.30pm
National Museum of San Matteo
Sept 24 – Special opening 7.30-10.30pm
Museo nazionale di Palazzo Reale
Sept 24 – Special opening 7.30-10.30pm
Calci, Monumental Certosa di Calci
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Oratory of San Desiderio
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm + presentation of the research on the Oratory by Francesca Fedeli.
Monsummano Terme – Museum of Casa Giusti
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-11pm
Chiusi, National Archaeological Museum of Chiusi
Sept 24 – Special opening 8-12am midnight. At 10am and 2pm, guided visit of the necropolis, old and new archaeological findings. From 4pm to 8pm, at the Teatro Mascagni and Archaeological museum, conference on findings and research in collaboration with the Comune di Chiusi, VATO, Gruppo Archeologico di Chiusi, Museo Civico Archeologico di Chianciano Terme. Between 8-11pm, a concert by the Corale Jacob Arcadelt at the National Museum of Chiusi
Sept 25 at National Museum of Chiusi between 10am and 2pm, visits to the Tomb of the Pellegrina, in collaboration with UICI and Associazione G. Selleri.