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What to See in Florence: Top Tourist Attractions in Firenze, Italy

There is so much to see in Florence, than even in a day or two you realize right away that there are too many treasures to see in such a short time. And we agree: don't try to cram in everything into a few days, but pick and choose and you'll enjoy much better what you do see and do.

To better decide what to see, here are some suggestions as to the top sights that you should from. Take a look at itineraries as well, to help better plan your time. We recommend at allot at least 3 full days in Florence!

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The Duomo, Florence's Cathedral

The famous cathedral dome dominates the skyline of Florence, with its eight white ribs against a background of terracotta tiles. Close up it is so huge as to be quite overwhelming.

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The Magnificent Uffizi Gallery

One of the world's top art museums, the Uffizi Gallery houses some of the most important works of the Renaissance, including works by Leonardo da Vinci, Giotto, Botticelli and Michelangelo and a large collection of Greek and Roman sculptures.

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Current Exhibitions in Florence

A list of exhibits currently going on in Florence, with details on opening hours, ticket costs and general description of the exhibits.

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The Magical Bardini Gardens

This silent and tranquil aclove in the city center promises you a moment to actually stop and smell the roses!  Spectacular panoramic views of the Florence skyline, a Kauffeehaus where you can sip a cappuccino or eat a gelato and a moment to explore the green beauty of the Florentine palaces & villas.  Don't miss a chance to discover this secret garden.

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The Accademia Gallery

The Accademia houses Michelangelo's David, easily the most famous sculpture in the world. Once inside, you'll also see Michelangelo's unfinished and powerful Prisoners, along with works by Perugino, Giambologna, Botticelli and Alessandro Allori.

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How to Book Museum Tickets in Florence

Florence attracts millions of visitors every year, and you'll often have to stand in line for hours before entering the Uffizi Gallery or the Accademia. Don't waste time: book your tickets in advance! Make sure to read all of our tips on which ones to book ahead of time and how, and when you don't need to book.

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Itineraries in Florence

Planning a visit to Florence? Or a longer vacation? Don't panic, even if you really will be challenged to decide what to see and what to put off to your next visit among the uncountable things to do and to see, we've selected a few itineraries that will guide you to the discovery of of this amazing city and help organizing your holiday.

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The Ponte Vecchio, or Old Bridge

Looking for the perfect photo opportunity...or maybe just the most perfect gold "bling" to take home as a souvenir of Florence?  Ponte Vecchio is the best place to get both!  Connecting the Uffizi to Palazzo Pitti, this bridge is an everlasting symbol of Florence and its endurance over natural and man-made disasters.

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Santa Maria Novella Church

The decorative marble facade of Tuscany's most important Gothic church incorporates billowing sails and ostrich feathers (emblem of the Medici). The church houses immense artistic treasures, donated by wealthy patrons, many with chapels named after them.

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Last Suppers in Florence

Far from most of the crowds Florence, there is a fascinating (and free) journey you can follow which will give you a special insight to its artistic beauty: tracking "Last Suppers".  Join us, as we give you an idea of what inspired Leonardo da Vinci's more famous scene in Milan.

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Piazza della Signoria: The Political Heart of Florence

Stand in the center of Piazza della Signoria, in the shadow of the imposing Palazzo Vecchio and you will find the ghosts of Florence's past political might.  Surrounded by art, architecture and history, this sqaure is the political heart of Florence.

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The Last Supper in Santa Croce

One of Giotto’s most talented followers, Taddeo Gaddi dedicated thirty years to the decoration of the refectory of Santa Croce (between 1334 and 1366), which even if devastated during the 1966 flood of Florence, still allows us to appreciate Gaddi's talent.

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The 6 Best Florence Gardens to Explore

Showcasing some of the most stunning collections of flowers, intriguing park architecture and discreet & romantic picnic places, you have to take time between museums & churches to enjoy some of Florence's most beautiful gardens. Here are our favorites in the center!

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The Medici Villa della Petraia: A Jewel Waiting to be Discovered

Visit the Villa and the beautiful Italian garden that surrounds the villa that used to be the home to the Medicis, the Lorraines and even the king of Italy. This gem is waiting to be discovered, as it off the beaten track and off many itineraries.

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Last Supper in Santo Spirito

Santo Spirito is a beautiful, lively suburb in Florence where you can enjoy different events every week. Close to the facade of the Church of Santo Spirito you should admire the beautiful, ancient Cenacolo (Last Supper).

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3 days in Tuscany

Looking for suggestions on what to see in Tuscany in just 3 days? Here you find suggestions on what you must see and do in Tuscany even if you have only 3 days to spend in Italy.

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Last Supper in Sant'Apollonia

A few steps from Piazza San Marco and the busy Accademia Gallery, you can visit this hidden treasure of Florence: the Last Supper by Andrea del Castagno. This gem was jealously guarded for centuries by Benedictine nuns until the 19th century, when it was unveiled to the city after the convent was suppressed.

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Visit the Uffizi Gallery with a Guide

With over 1,5 million of visitors every year, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence is the most visited museum in Italy. Avoid long lines and enjoy your visit to the Uffizi with a tour guide that will explain and place into context the beauty and wonder of the masterpieces in the Uffizi.

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The Network of City Museums in Florence

Here's a list of the “city” museums in Florence, called the Musei Civici Fiorentini, with address and hours, which should help you have everything on hand when deciding where to go next as you visit the city.

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Last Supper in Ognissanti

There is a place in Florence that tells the story of saints, poets and navigators. The Convent of Ognissanti jealously guards priceless treasures, secrets of the Florentine nobility and a monumental last supper by Domenico Ghirlandaio, a reknowned Florentine artist of his times.

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The Medici Villa at Castello and its Beautiful Italian Garden

Visit the Medici Villa at Castello and its splendid Italian garden. Designed by Tribolo, the same architect of the famous Boboli Gardens in Florence, the garden's many statues and fountains, the Cave of Animals, secret gardens and more are a delight to enjoy a quiet day during your trip to Florence. Just a bus ride away, and entrance is free!

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The Bargello Museum

Primarily a sculpture museum, you'll be treated to early Michelangelo marbles and Giambologna bronzes and Cellini works then on to a room full of famous works by Donatello, considered by many the greatest sculptor since antiquity. The museum houses more than sculpture, it is definitely a museum worth exploring!

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Last Supper at Convitto della Calza

Strong emotions are transmitted with colors, perspective and skill.  The Last Supper commissioned for this once hospital, now is the focus of contemplation by visitors to this modern conference center by Porta Romana.

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The Last Supper of San Salvi

Saved by chance and then hidden for years, this moving "Last Supper" shows deep emotion. Located on the outer edges of Florence, you will find several good reasons to make the short trek to find this masterpiece also known as the Last Supper by Andrea del Sarto.

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The Bell Tower by Giotto

Giotto’s Campanile is the bell tower for the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore, also known as the Cathedral of Florence. It is a splendid example of Florentine Gothic architecture from the 1300’s and should be admired from the outside and the inside. Climb to the top and feast yours eye upon the incredible FLorentine skyline and the rolling hills that surround the city.

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Piazza Santo Spirito: Florence’s Left Bank

Situated in an area called Oltrarno, Piazza Santo Spirito boasts a lively atmosphere both day & night. Home to markets & fairs, the square is a meeting point for the young at heart, artists and intellectuals, both Italian & non. The Piazza looks upon the elegant Basilica of Santo Spirito, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.

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Fresh Air, Picnics & Playgrounds in Florence

Florence is not made up of just museums & cobbled-stone streets! There are many areas to enjoying the great outdoors & some boisterous games for all ages, especially the youngsters. Here are a list of the top Florence parks for picnics, kids & fun.

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